Purpose and Objectives
The Trust is committed, in attaining its purposes, to:
>> Have a well-integrated, recognized body for New Zealanders with Islamic cultural pride and heritage to network both with the Muslim community and the wider community.
>> Unite Muslim New Zealanders in promoting and developing social cohesion in Aotearoa New Zealand.
The objectives and aims of the Trust are to:
1) Bridge the gap between members and the wider community.
2) Be a voice for the voiceless.
3) Cooperate with local and central government agencies and voluntary organizations in promoting objectives that benefit community members.
4) Promote the general welfare and advancement of community members.
5) Support the settlement of community members and Muslim immigrants arriving in Greater Wellington and New Zealand.
6) Promote social, cultural, commercial, educational, and other beneficial exchanges in the wider community.
7) Monitor and respond to items about Islam in the New Zealand media.
8) Offer and receive mutual support and cooperation among other ethnic and cultural groups in Wellington.
9) Encourage understanding through socio-economic programs.
10) Highlight positive aspects of Islam and Muslims.
11) Provide informational sessions for educational institutions and the general public.