How to maintain wellbeing, faith, being Resilient and maintain Relationships

In this Blog, we will learn, and understand below main points

  • The Challenge of Modern Psychology
  • Islamic Perspective on Mental Health
  • The Role of Faith in Healing
  • Examples from Islamic History
  • Conclusion and Call to Action


We live in a time when things are not very clear, this is what Rasulullah, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, said, this is a time of tribulations and trials. This is not because we believe in conspiracy theories, but because we believe that we have to be vigilant and we have to be alert and take care of our faith, and well-being of our faith. Because if it's gone, then everything in this world is worth nothing. But if we maintain and preserve our faith, our iman, and our relations with Allah subhana wa ta'ala, then everything is going to be intact, no matter what happens to us in this life.

Back in the time, when people had some psychological problems, some issues with their psychology, their nephs, this is the word that the Quran used, the nephs are the thing that is your heart, your rest, your peace of mind, your peace of heart. Wheredid  they go back then? They used to go to religion, right? This is both in Islam and in Christianity and other religions. They go to religion and seek guidance, seek healing, seek treatment from religion. Why? Because they know that this way will lead them to God, to Allah, to the Creator who is the only one who heals, treats, and gives guidance and support. But in the modern world, this is not the case.

People go to psychologists, psychiatrists, and mental health providers. Highly appreciate this endeavor. We highly appreciate the people and experts in this field. They are doing such an amazing job. But the question mark here is those people, who control the mindset of the people or influence the people. If they do not have reference to divine guidance, then they are going to take the people somewhere far, far away, away from their happiness or their well-being. They will lead them to depression and destruction and maybe to suicide. Do you know why? Because they replace God with science. This is the endeavor since the French Revolution back in the 18th century to replace God, to replace the Creator with science.

Science is very essential and very important but science without Allah, science without religion will lead to what? Weapons of mass destruction, chemical weapons, biological experiments that will destroy the lives of millions of people, wars and fights and pollution, viruses, pandemics, diseases.

This is science but when you take the divine guidance out of the equation, then science becomes a curse, it's not going to become a blessing. And you can see how science led to massive wars in the world that killed or finished the lives of millions of people.

And if science continues in this way, in this pathway, and people continue to live in science and give up their faith, and they become just all about science, and life is just about science, and remove Allah, remove religion from the equation, they will end up in complete and total loss.

Why? Because the strategy of the psychology or the methodology or the way that the psychology or the psychologist is going to tell you is that the main thing is to feel happy, is to feel pleased, is to feel peace of mind, and to draw lines, to remove the toxic people from your life. You don't have to be in pain, you have to just look after yourself and your well-being, sleep, and beautiful charisma. But Is it the case that you call the people who caused you some trouble or issue in your life, even if they are family members, fathers, mothers, they are gas lighters, they are troublemakers, they are toxic people, I should stay away from them, I have nothing to do from them, just to drop the line, and I just walk away. What is the result of that? Millions of divorce cases across the world, people don't want to get married, because, yeah, why should I bring somebody who is going to be toxic to my life and give me trouble?

Why should I keep in touch with my dad? and mom if they are just not able to handle my feelings, my emotions it's all now about feelings and emotions how do you feel so now the people worship according to psychology, We are not putting down psychology, we are trying to link you between the psychology that the Islam provides and the psychology that the modern science side provide and your mental health providers are going to provide you because they're going to tell you everything is all about your feelings and that is why in psychology in the modern non-religious psychology they tell you if you have a feeling of inclination to the same sex, why not? what's wrong with that? if you have a feeling of a boy inside of a girl's body, why you don't go? Change your gender and become a boy and let her on you, you can come back, you just keep playing with that If you have a feeling that your mom and dad are giving you a hard time because they always question you, why do you stay up late? Why do you play too many games? Why do you do that? Why do you do that? Why should I stay with them? Why should I keep them with me? They are very harmful. They are traumatizing me, just toxic people.


what is the Islamic psychology?


What is the religious psychology? What does Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la say about death? Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, first and foremost, you have to know that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is in charge. He knows about us, what we don't know about our selves, and what science is not able at all to tell us about our selves. Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says, don’t you think that Allah knows what he has created, and he is all Latif.


He knows the minute, minute details of everything about you. And science proves that before, a signal moves from the brain to any of your muscles to move. A chemical reaction takes place before that, and this chemical reaction happens before the brain itself starts thinking or deciding to do that, which means that the instructions come from outside to the brain to give an order. So, your brain comes second hand, not the first hand. This is what Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says.


surat at takwir
surat at takwir

If you think that you want something, Allah will want it first before you want it.

SubhanAllah. So, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says that this is life. This is where you are sitting now. This is what you're going to do. Allah says nothing is going to hit you unless it's by the permission of Allah. Allah allowed it to happen. You will hear this statement all the time from young people. Do you think Allah is regretful because he left us alone and we've ended up in this kind of situation? Do you think Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la forgot about us, and he doesn't care about his vision anymore? And he goes somewhere to cry over his mistake. These are the sentences that you hear there and there about psychology. In this region of psychology, again, I appreciate... I encourage everyone to study and learn psychology.

But you need to link this with your religion. When you have to have professional help and treatment from a professional psychologist or mental health provider, tell them that I'm Muslim, I go within the boundaries of my faith. Don't tell me something that goes against my faith. Don't just make me a person who worships my feelings, my emotions, my feelings, and emotions come after my heart. What is my heart, my guidance, what Allah SWT plans for me, and what do I have to do to be in the right mode that Allah SWT wants me to do?

Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam lived with toxic people, who was a toxic person with him, lived in his life, his father. Was he a toxic person? Yes. Was he threatening him? Yes. Was he a source of challenge for him? Yes. If Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam had gone to somebody who provides this service today, disconnected from religion, what he was going to tell him? Hey, you are a mature Muslim now, you are a grown-up, you are an adult now. Why do you have to keep in touch with this man if he gives you trouble? Look after your emotions and feelings, walk away from him. What did Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam do? He kept calling him Ya Abati, my dear beloved father. I take good care of you; I am worried that you are going to be in trouble. I do this and he kept calling him, connecting him, even when his father passed away, he made dua for him. Only Allah stops him from doing that. Why? Because he knew that we have been created to face troubles in life and these examines or these trials or these situations, the hardships in our life are there for one purpose. What are they for? What is the purpose, what is the goal that they are trying to achieve? Al-Ridiyyah again, number 11 in Surah Taqaban, Surah number 64. 

If you think that you want something, Allah will want it first before you want it. SubhanAllah. So, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says that this is the life. This is where you are sitting now. This is what you're going to do. Allah says, nothing is going to hit you unless it's by the permission of Allah. Allah allowed it to happen. You will hear this statement all the time from young people. Do you think Allah is regretful because he left us alone and we've ended up in this kind of situation? Do you think Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la forgot about us, and he doesn't care about his vision anymore? And he goes somewhere to cry over his mistake. These are the sentences that you hear there and there about psychology. In this region of psychology, again, I appreciate... I encourage everyone to study and learn psychology. But you need to link this with your religion. When you have to have a professional help and treatment from a professional psychologist or mental health provider, tell them that I'm Muslim, I go within the boundaries of my faith. Don't tell me something that goes against my faith. Don't just make me a person who worships my feelings, my emotions, my feelings and emotions come after my heart. What is my heart, my guidance, what Allah SWT plans for me, what I have to do to be in the right mode that Allah SWT wants me to do. Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam lived with toxic people, who was a toxic person with him, lived in his life, his father. Was he a toxic person? Yes. Was he threatening him? Yes. Was he a source of challenge for him? Yes. If Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam had gone to somebody who provides this service today, disconnected from religion, what he was going to tell him? Hey, you are a mature Muslim now, you are a grown up, you are an adult now. Why you have to keep in touch with this man if he gives you trouble? Look after your emotions and feelings, walk away from him. What did Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam do? He kept calling him ya Abati, my dear beloved father. I take good care of you; I am worried that you are going to be in trouble. I do this and he kept calling him, connecting him, even when his father passed away, he made dua for him. Only Allah stops him from doing that. Why? Because he knew that we have been created to face troubles in life and these examines or these trials or these situations, the hardships in our life are there for one purpose. What are there for? What the purpose, what the goal that they are trying to achieve? Al-Ridiyyah again, number 11 in Surah Taqaban, Surah number 64.

Any test, trial to you, it comes by the permission of Allah. Whoever believes in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and trusts him and accepts whatever comes from Allah and behaves the way Allah wants him to behave. Yah di kalbahu يَهْدِي قَلْبَهُ, Allah will guide his heart to go through these situations without damaging his faith.

Without damaging his faith. But it doesn't mean that he's not going to go through pain or trouble or worry or concern. These feelings have to be there for the heart to mature and to be steadfast in faith.

When you use the word trauma, trauma in the psychological sense. Do you think Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was traumatized by his relatives or by the wars launched against him? Yes. By the behavior of his very close family member?

Yes. Did somebody hurt his feelings? Yes. A lot. Whydid  Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala put him in this situation? Because Allah knows that this man has to have a kind of Iman, strong enough to read the world. And if he's such a fragile person, that his feeling is his own God, he wouldn't go through any of these kinds of hardships, or he wouldn't go into this kind of leadership, or maturity.

We will go back again to the ayah in Surah Al-Jazia, Surah number 45, ayah number 23,


Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says this is what they are trying to make you feel, make you do. Those people, who want you to take Allah and Divine guidance out of the equation.

You know what they want you to do? What do you think of somebody, their God? Their main objective in life is, whatever they desire, their feelings, their emotions. That's all that they care about, right? No matter how much knowledge and science they have, then Allah put a seal over their ears and a seal over their heart, and He covered their eyes, so they are blinded.

What does it mean? That no matter what you say, no matter what guidance comes to them, they're not going to listen, they're not going to feel anything, they're not going to accept anything. Why? Because they already closed or muffed their ears, they sealed their ears, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, they don't want to listen.


And that is why you will find something. sometimes when people are emotional when people are concerned with so much or they judge everything by their emotions there is no point in looking to them, conversation doesn't make any sense they don't want to listen because they allow their emotions to over judge or override their judgment, what Allah subhana wa ta'ala said when you are emotional and somebody speaks to you in a language or you get into an argument and you are supposed to be back if you let your emotion be your God and follow that you're going to respond, back and forth, things were going to get ugly and going to get messy because you are emotionally frustrated and you're going to respond with emotions what does Allah subhana wa ta'ala in this situation and this is very obvious when a husband and wife fights argument right there when a husband and husband don't show hands When emotion is in the way and they lead the decision of this discussion,


then things don't work because of this emotion on the way. You know what? Do you think I forgot what you have done last time, last year? I still remember. I can't call it back. Yes, I know. You can remember 10 years ago, 15 years ago I know.

What does Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala say?

﴿وَقُل لِّعِبَادِي يَقُولُوا الَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ ۚ إِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ يَنزَغُ بَيْنَهُمْ ۚ إِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ كَانَ لِلْإِنسَانِ عَدُوًّا مُّبِينًا﴾


Tell my servant, my slave, when they are heated up, when they are gas lit when they are driven, they should pick up the best of the word to respond.


Is it going to work if my emotions take the lead? No. I have to do something to stop my emotions from coming in front of me. This is how things should work. This is Islamic guidance. This is yah di qalbahu يَهْدِي قَلْبَهُ.


This is how Allah guides the heart. Because if you let your emotions, you are going to ruin your heart, and how many timeshave families collapsed and got destroyed just because the husband and wife in an argument, they just reject or refer to their emotions?

I'm upset, I'm jealous, I'm frustrated, I'm emotional. And then they speak things, and they just steal everything. They open up and let the canon shoot. That's it. Why? Because guidance of the Qur'an, the deen is not there in the equation.


Did you ever hear the Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam? Ever, ever hear the Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam? People are getting into his nerve, responding back in the same way. No, never.

How about Yusuf Alayhi Salaam, when his brothers, toxic brothers, who gaslighted him all the time, when they were in front of him and he got all the authority, all the authority on earth to take action against them? They accused him of his face, looking into his eyes and saying to him that if this brother had stolen something, his brother, Yusuf, was a thief as well. He was a thief as well, just into his eyes, looking at him.

And he got all the authority to take those guys and crush them to dust. He didn't do that. He doesn't even allow the gesture to come on His face to trouble them. SubhanAllah. This is the guidance. This is the Deen, this is the Quran. This is how to keep relations and family ties. If you let your emotions, and your feelings become your controller, then you're going to ruin your heart. And if you ruin your heart, you can't have Iman inside of them.

And if you don't have Iman, your heart is not going to succeed, no matter how much pleasure or happiness you assume that you're going to have in this life. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says,

last ayat

The Sound heart (Qalb-E-Saleem) is the heart that has Iman. And the heart that has Iman is the heart that goes through these situations and becomes mature and strong enough to be steadfast and stable in times of tribulations, emotions, frustrations, and hardships. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala fix our hearts and emotions and guide us to the truth.

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